

902 Uppsatser om Usability testing - Sida 1 av 61

Att mäta användbarhet på webbplatser : En fall studie där två metoder för användbarhet jämförs

The aim with this thesis is to investigate two different methods used to test usability on web-sites to determine the advantages and disadvantages of two methods and compare the results. The two selected methods are the think aloud method and asynchronous remote method. Re-mote Usability testing has existed for more than ten years but the possibilities with this meth-od needs to be explored more.To achieve the purpose of this thesis a case study was conducted on an e-commerce site and for the online remote Usability testing software was used.The results of this study show that think aloud Usability testing encounter more issues with the website than the remote Usability testing..

Usability i relation till Likeability : Ett nedslag i en designprocess för en webbproduktion

This report examines the relationship between usability and subjective judgmentsabout aesthetic and emotional aspects of users of a web production. Through thedevelopment of two prototypes that reflects different aspects of usability and subjectiveassessments examined the consequences of a differentiation of the concepts andUsability and Likeability. Thereafter, an evaluation of the two prototypes are madethrough user testing. Finally, the results of the evaluation is presented and are relatedto the concepts of usability and likeability. .

Mätverktyg och användartester inom webbdesign : Hur mätningar av ögonrörelser och webbaserade värmekartor kan användas i användartester

This study has researched how user click heatmaps and eye tracking can be utilized in Usability testing. We have used the tools SessionCam and Tobii. We designed a website for a small clothing store and conducted usability tests, in order to evaluate the users clicks and eye movements in relation to design choices on the website. The aim of this study was to research how these tools can be integrated in Usability testing and how results from the tests can be used to improve usability. We were able to use the recordings of clicks and eye movements and make design changes based on the findings.

Anpassning av VOD-tjänster för breda barnmålgrupper : EN ANVÄNDBARHETSUTVÄRDERING AV BARNPLAY UTIFRÅN MÅLGRUPPEN 3-11 ÅR

This thesis contains a usability evaluation of ?Barnplay?, a Swedish video-on-demand service targeted at children. The objective of the study was to identify usability issues in the video service and to develop measures on improving the user interface, with special focus on adaptation to the broad target group of 3-11 year olds.The study was conducted by first mapping established practices in designs of VOD-services targeted at children, followed by interviews and usability tests with children between 2-11 concerning their use of ?Barnplay?. Based on the initial data collection, a prototype was developed and then evaluated by Usability testing and A/B-testing.The main conclusion of the study is the need of better individual adjustment of the video content selection to better appeal to different age segments within the target group.

Användartester inom webbutveckling : Är användartester nödvändigt vid utveckling av webbplatser?

The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding about user tests as well as answer the question about if testing for users is necessary at all times. I've done a comparison between what the literature says, and what a company says, about testing. The tests that's been in focus in this study is prototyping and card sorting tests. Prototyping aims to give the developer feedback about the design and check if there are any obvious problems with the design. A card sorting test can be used to get input about how information architecture should be constructed.

Visualisering av FRAM

The Functional Resonance Accident Model is a method developed to analyze complex systems for the purpose of accident prevention. In FRAM-analysis a visualization of the complex system is created as an aid for identifying points of interaction in the system where the risk of accidents is high, and to determine where preventive measures are to be placed. FRAM Visualizer is a computer program developed as a tool for creating such visualizations.Many usability problems have been identified in FRAM visualizations created both manually according to established method and by using the FRAM Visualizer software. The purpose of this paper is to give a basis for how FRAM visualizations can be improved in accordance with usability criteria for use in future qualitative studies.The author suggests alterations to the FRAM visualization to resolve usability issues identified in previous articles and to achieve usability goals derived from visual communication theory. The design process is guided by established design principles.

Testverktyg för ett automatiserat system

Most often when developing a new system there is a need get a functioning testtool up and running. Including time, cost and resources the solution isn?t always obvious, developing your own or buy one ?of the shelf?. The purpose of this thesis is to study how a general testtool for executing functional tests should be designed to be reusable, be based on recognized knowledge and be able to fast and simple be customized for different types of systems. Key functions from the litterature is presented and used in the design of a testtool prototype.

En utvärdering av programmet Voddlers användbarhet

The purpose of this essey is through empirical methods investigate usability factors on Video On Demand applications for the Internet. More specificly we will focus on a application called Voddler. The purpose is to identify usability problems that exist in Voddler, and present the reader with suggestions on possible solutions. This could be used as guidelines to how to design for usability in this kind of system. We will use an online survey to investigate Voddler usability and use this data as a basis for our analysis.

Smart design för auktionsapplikationer på smartklockor : Att uppnå användbarhet på smartklockeapplikationer

This study concerns design thinking and how to achieve usability when designing applicationsfor smart watches. The study's focus is on interaction and design for online auctionapplications such as Ebay and Tradera. After studying usability and design for devices withsmall screens, guidelines and design principles for interactive systems, we developed apaperprototype for an auction application. The prototype was used for testing our intervieweeswhile observing and asking questions. After collecting the data we analyzed the responses andfeedback on our prototype and combined the results to previous studies.

Webbdesign : En undersökning av en offentlig webbsidas utarbetande

The purpose of this paper is to form an understanding of how to use the demand for usability and accessibility. Requirements for usability and accessibility are available from several agencies, an example is Myndigheten för delaktighet. Through literature studies, I get answer to what are usability and accessibility and the demands that can be set on a public website. In this study of three municipalities you get a glance how local authorities have been working on their web pages and if they fulfill the requirements so that the disabled would consider that the page has good usability and accessibility. In the interviews conducted in one of the municipalities you will receive information how they plan, organize, implement, monitor and develop their websites.

Leder icke användarcentrerad systemutveckling till låg användbarhet?

Within system development users have rarely been involved or received much attention during the development. Most of the times, the primary focus within system development lies on insuring functionality, rather than making the system usable. The literature specifies that a non user-centered approach can contribute to a product with low usability, which can lead to an ineffective and unsatisfactory experience for the end users.The purpose of this thesis is to begin an investigation to see if the use of non user-oriented system development methods is a possible cause of low usability in the final system.To achieve the purpose of this thesis, we have conducted a case study. Within the case study we examined the usability of a time reporting system. The case study included seven minor studies; an investigation concerning the development of the system, an expert evaluation of the system, interviews and observations of users, developed paper prototypes and executable prototypes, both which user testing was performed on.The result of this study shows that by working with user-entered methods, the usability in the time reporting system increased after the design had been revised.

Användbarhet för barn : En kvalitativ studie av SVT Play med fokus på användbarhet för barn i åldern 10-12 år

This thesis investigates in which way principles and theories of usability is revelant when evaluating interactive systems for children aged 10-12. It also investigates whether there are specific factors that you should keep in mind while developing interactive products for the targeted group.The results of the qualitative study shows that priciples and theories of usability is relevant when evaluating interactive systems for the targeted group. However there is one concept that is more significant than the others. Our study shows that our targeted group is sensitive to time-consuming activities such as loading times etc. which has to do with the efficiency of the system.

Gamers and Game Design: Incorporating Users in the Design Process

This paper deals with the difficulties of applying user-centered design practices as an independent developer, based on the visualization of a game concept in the form of a prototype. The aim is to evaluate the usability of user-centered design practices, specifically in the field of games development. Throughout this paper, I will give an account of the methods used for testing, as well as a review of previous research done in this field of study. Finally, I will end with a discussion regarding the pros and cons of user-centered design, as well as some thoughts about its importance in similar projects..

Att designa för usability i mobila GIS

Användningen av mobila system ökar idag. I takt med att användningen ökar ställshögre krav på god usability. Nästan 50 % av defekterna i programvaror kan härröras tillusability?problem. Denna uppsats behandlar unika begränsningar och möjligheter hosmobila geografiska informationssystem, GIS, utifrån ett usability?perspektiv.

Webbsystem för matprisjämförelser

This is a thesis project in the field of information technology which begins by evaluating existing food price comparison systems and subsequently aims to design an improved, web based system for said purpose. The system features interfaces for price reporting, price comparisons as well as various search and review functions. The objective is to create a system able to compete with existing price comparison systems, which requires careful selection of products that can be found in all foodstores that also represent different households; a user-friendly price reporting and price comparison interface and an efficient tool for ensuring the validity of reported prices.The designed system features a more accurate formula for calculating average prices in events where the real price is missing; a more reliable security mechanism forv alidation of reported prices and a more comprehensible interface for viewing price reports, reporting prices, reviewing stores and products in comparison with existing systems. The system does, however, suffer from some optimization issues primarily in the form of inefficient database modeling; SQL queries and JavaScript code although testing has shown that these shortcomings do not hamper overall performance to such a degree that usability is compromised. Further Usability testing performed on the system with five test subjects shows that a high level of overall user-friendliness has been achieved even though some special features, such as the detailed report containing price information per product for each store need to be improved.It is not possible to say at this time whether or not the designed system will be able to compete with existing ones or if the very concept of food price comparisons per se is viable in terms of profitability and marketability.

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